Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Book Fiber

I know I was supposed to post this last night, and you're all probably expecting a daily dose of randomness, however I had homework that needed to get done last night, so I didn't get around to review all the wonderful stories I read this last week! I got up early this morning, just so I could get on here for you all! :)

I read quite a few stories in my downtime this week... hope you enjoy!

"Awakening Evarun Parts I-III" by Tom Barczak

I was very excited to read all three parts consecutively (there are actually six total, but I only have the first three so far). If you checked in with me last week, I posted a review for Part II, where I explained that the story was unique and intriguing, but a little confusing because I had jumped right into an action sequence since it was part 2 and not part 1. Well, now I've read 1, 2, and 3! The idea behind the story is very original, and the writing is superb! Tom has a way with words that left me breathless! We follow the story of Talus; a dead prince who was brought back to life to save the dead and fight back against the evil wizards who are taking over everything. It reminds me a lot of the heroic dragonlance books I used to read as a child, and that brought back so many welcome memories. I had a great time reading these books, and I can't wait for the rest of them! I do wish that there was more to the story however, because I feel it's missing something whenever the scene jumps to a different place. I would love to know how the transition between parts two and three really happened without just being told that something had. I would love to have read about the little battle with the wolves, and how they escaped the Dragon Storm. Still, I'll keep reading, because I'm drooling for more!

"Bitter Kisses" by Julieanne Lynch

This story was pretty interesting; dealing with angels, fallen angels, and of course a vampire. The idea was original, however I felt it went too fast; like I was missing vital parts of the story. The ending especially seemed to speed up, like the writer was ready to be done with it. I wanted to know more about Ysoriel and Antoine. I wanted to know what actually will happen now, and not in a way that says "awesome cliffhanger." I felt it needed something else.

"Fallen" by S.K. Whiteside

Great story. I like the idea about Grace and her guardian angel. I really wish I had seen more of their budding relationship between him showing up to him staying with her, but the idea behind it was fantastic! I love the way danger seems to be lurking and keeping you on your toes as you see the two fall in love. I like the unlikely circumstance they are in, and it has me holding my breath as I wait to find out the outcome!

"Harvest Moon" by J.E. Taylor

Sick, twisted storyline and I loved it! I thought some things could be left out, and more information should have been added in regards to the belladonna, but I love this new take on shape shifters. It wasn't what I expected at all, and it kept me reading nonstop until it was all over! Great short story!

"Inked" by Everly Drummond

Now that's what I call erotica! It was awesome! I really felt like I was in their heads, and a part of the story! Their emotions were electric and I felt every heartbeat and bead of sweat! Love this author and think that she did a fantastic job!

"A Look of Love" by Darlene Panzera

This was a beautiful story about truth; the truth of what we all really want in life. We just want to be loved, and when it comes down to it, are we just settling? Would it be worth it? I thought this was very heartwarming and relatible, and simply a joy to read!

"Micah's Magick" by Anya Bast

I've heard of Anya Bast and how amazing she is, so when Micah's Magick came available I leapt at it. There were quite a few spelling errors in the book that had me rereading the sentences, but the storyline was decent. I think there should have been more resistance from the guy they were tracking, but the love between Micah and Emily was tangible. I enjoyed this read, and I think I might check out something else by the author. I would only suggest that an editor take a look at this one, it could use a little help.

As a follow up, I saw the Hunger Games in theaters and I can't wait to sink my teeth into the book! Also, I ready "Beasts and BFFs" last week, and I received my copy of the story it goes along with - "13 to Life" which I'll also be reviewing after I complete it!

Peace, love and chicken grease!

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