Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Vault: Imagination is a Scary Thing

I pulled a short little page from the Vault to share with you! It's a little creative piece I did in either my sophomore or junior year of high school... so at least a decade ago! I hope you enjoy it!


          A sea of papery crisp leaves lay across the forest floor, and cast crumbling waves crashing at her feet. The pearl-white moon, like a snowflake, was silent and hidden by the tall heads of the trees. Rustles were heard as sleepy foxes and badgers crept home to their dens. Birds fluttered, screeched and flew fast past her, toward their nests. Startled, she jumped back. The lumbering trees were as soldiers marching at her in the dark, closing in, and she ran. Wolves howled in the distance and owls hooted, like thousands of cries that seemed to follow her throughout the woods. The wind whistled through the trees, echoed off the mountains and with a voice that was hushed like a whisper, it called her name. Danger lurked everywhere, yet nowhere, like some mysterious presence. The eyes of the forest gazed cruelly at her and she ran faster. She caught her foot on a low branch and tumbled forward, her body landing with a thud and piercing pain, her face pressed down on the scratchy leaves.
          Hands gripped at her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. She stood panting and looked into the loving face of her father. Rifle in hand and fur at his feet, he plucked a leaf from her matted hair, and stroked the side of her dirt-smudged face. Then he took her4 in his arms, at last she was safe. A peace settled over the forest. All eyes closed their heavy lids with a sigh. There was nothing to be scared of anymore. The dark had brought with it nightmares beyond reality, and she realized that imagination is a scary thing."

What did you think of my first vault entry? I'm very excited about this! I have so many stories and ideas, poems and tales to tell! All of these were written by me (mostly from before The Heroes of Edenville, 8 years ago!), and I can't believe how much my writing has grown since then! I read Imagination now, and I can see how I would rewrite it, and it's awesome!

Hmmmm... now to pick something for next week... :) Ta!

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