Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weekly Book Fiber

So this week I read four short stories which I had downloaded to my kindle app. I'm really beginning to like the idea that I can download books straight onto my computer--though I would prefer a paper or hardback book in my hands, hands down! I read "Awakening Evarun Part II of VI" by Tom Barczak, "Beasts and BFFs" by Shannon Delany, "Beauty Touched the Beast" by Skye Warren, and "Bloodlust" by Larissa Ione.

Here's what I thought:

"Awakening Evarun Part II of VI" by Tom Barczak:
It was really confusing to start a story when it's clearly in the middle of an action scene, but that didn't deter me from reading on. The characters were intriguing and I couldn't help but wonder what had led up to this? and what will happen now? I really must get the rest of the stories and figure out exactly who all of these characters are, and why they are the way they are. I love the idea behind it! It was very unique, and I appreciated the change of scenery from the norm that I'm used to. I recommend this book, but I also suggest purchasing part one first...

"Beasts and BFFs" by Shannon Delany:
This was a bonus prequel story from Shannon's book "13 to Life," and I am going to purchase that book for sure! I've never read anything by her, but the short little story she put together captivated my attention, as did the different personality types of the three girls in it. Shannon continued this short story by adding a snippet of her book at the end, which I also devoured. I'm so curious about Pietr, and of course Derek! This book is definitely a page turner, and I can't wait to finish it!

"Beauty Touched the Beast" by Skye Warren:
I felt that this was a beautiful story about a secret love that comes out in the open. I love the relationship between the two characters, and enjoyed the fact that I most definitely have a different tempermant than Erin! I would have reacted very differently to the way Blake acted towards the end, and it's nice to know not everyone is as hotheaded as me! LOL. Still, I feel this story should have been longer. When it ended, it was almost in a rush, and though it was good, I was left wanting. I think if Skye had added in another page or two, maybe exploring Blake's emotions, and Erin's reactions a little more, that would have been more awesome! Still, Skye is a very good writer, and I enjoyed this short story.

"Bloodlust" by Larissa Ione:
This story was very intense and graphic! I've read some erotica in my time, but never as gruesome and heavy as this! It shocked and surprised me, and I found myself purely delighted at the ending! I wasn't sure where the story was going to go; was he going to give in? would he escape? would he and the vampire queen some how fall in love or something? But I think it ended perfectly! The story was brutal and shameless, and utterly perfect! Great job Larissa!

I should have some more stories read by next week, and I'll get you some more reviews! This is actually quite fun, and I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did!

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