Sunday, March 25, 2012

How I Met My Soul Mate

Due to the fact that today is my five year anniversary with my boyfriend, Nick, I decided to do something different for my morning blog. Oh, I could tell you that today's song is Satellite by Guster and the smell is roses. I can also tell you that I'm not planning on writing today at all, and the word of the day is one that most people think they know; Love. What is love? For this word we don't need dictionaries or special apps on our phones; Love IS. It's what makes you happiest. It's what you get up for every day. It stops your heart in your chest when the one you should be with is near, and sends cascades of butterflies drifting through your abdomen. Love makes you think, and makes you change. Love is something we as humans, would do anything for. It's more than just a feeling, or emotion; Love is breathing. It is a way of life!

I am in love with a man named Nick Song.

Nick and I met in the fall of 2006 at a movie theater in California. I had used to work there, and being that most of my friends still did, I spent a lot of time there. Nick had just been hired on, and one of my very best girlfriends had come over to tell me about him. Laura had been crushing on another guy at work, but still thought that Nick was a total gentleman, funny and cute, and she wanted me to meet him.

When I was introduced to Nick for the first time, he was mad at something, so he was short with me. I couldn't help but think 'she likes him? I would never date him!' Turns out catching him on a bad day didn't effect the rest of our relationship! Every time after that, he was smiling and joking and I couldn't help but to be drawn into his giddy life, just like anyone else would. It was very surprising to me how quickly I fell in love with him.

I'd had my heart broken pretty badly before, and I thought that I would never find anyone like my ex. Once some time had gone by, I started to realize that happiness didn't have to come in the form of a man, so I resigned to be happy alone. I just happened to meet Nick at that time, and he thought I was just as happy as him. My smile attracted him, and I was shocked when he asked me out! Of course Laura gave me her blessing (she ended up marrying the other guy at work :) it's another totally awesome story! Love you Laura!), and I said yes to Nick!

Nick and I went on our first date on March 25, 2007. I was so nervous that I made myself sick! Even though I was extremely nauseous, I had the time of my life and never wanted it to end! I had been a little sheltered when it came to certain things... like foods... and Nick made it his mission to get me to explore. In our first three dates I had oysters, Mongolian BBQ, and Korean food. None of those had I ever tried before. Being with Nick was a new experience in itself! He worshipped the ground I walked on, and I him.

Within a few months I had moved in with him, and we've been together ever since! Now we live in Washington with our two beautiful cats; he's a culinary assistant at the OG, and I'm an author who just happens to work for PS. We bide our time now as funds are low, with talk of marriage and children! Life is great! Love is great! I love you Nick! Happy Anniversary, baby!

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