Saturday, March 24, 2012

Daily Dose of Randomness: Black Eyed Pease, Adhocracy, Grass and Paper

Today I'm craving the intoxicating aroma of freshly cut grass... come on summer, you can do it! I want to have the warm sun baking down on me, with the brightness of the blue sky illuminated above. I want to wear shorts and wish there was something shorter I could wear in public that wouldn't be humiliating, that way more air could reach my sweat-soaked limbs! I want lemonade stands to pop up on street corners, and swimming pool toys to clutter the isles at Walmart! Hooray for freshly cut grass!

As the Black Eyed Peas so amply state "Let's Get it Started"!

The word of the day is Adhocracy which is a noun that means "an organization with little or no structure." I believe that's what Hope was before they had a name! Before Davis and the others gave it a purpose! Before Canon gave them a home! Before Chuck told them the world will end unless they're careful! Davis's gang was simply an adhocracy back in Edenville, and now it's so much more!

That's what I'll be working with today... I need to cut paper for the books so I can print fresh copies! Later on I'll be pulling a little somethin' somethin' from the Vault to share with you! For those of you who don't remember, the Vault is where I keep all my stories from the past, and ideas for the future, so stay tuned for something special!

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