Tuesday, January 3, 2012

RIP Dillon

Those of you who know me, or have at least read some of my writing can draw the fairly clear conclusion that I am infact, quite weird... It might be odd to start a blog entry that way, however I thought that pointing out that fact would perhaps bring to light some depth of my character. My reasoning for wanting that is so that you might understand the special relationship I've had with a creature named Dillon.
Dillon was my printer... True, I have six printers, however Dillon has been my faithful companion since high school, and my partner in literary crime since then. He's been my preference, or "authors pet" among my printers, but over the last few months he has been displaying a particularly dismaying error message. I've tried to fix him... tried and failed...
I have been utterly distraught since Dillon's death, and have tried in vain to find a way to reanimate him. It's taken me this long but now I have realized that he's never coming back...
Dillon's particular species is ancient and hard to find, but I did manage to find one on ebay, and I'm hoping to have won the auction... I'll find out tomorrow morning. The new printer cannot actually replace Dillon, but I should be able to continue printing my handmade paperbacks with the new one.
I cannot begin to convey just how much Dillon has meant to me, so I feel I must dedicate this entry to my dear friend. You will be missed...

Dillon is a Canon printer, and has a character named after him in my Unusuals Trilogy; Dillon Canon.

June 2003 - October 2011


I love you, Dillon!

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