Sunday, April 1, 2012

Daily Dose of Randomness: Breaking Benjamin, Agrestic, Skunk Stink and Reaper

I nearly finished reading "13 to Life" yesterday, and if it hadn't been so late I would have finished the last fifty pages... Today I shall change that! I am SO into the story! Pietr is awesome! His song is "How Wants to Live Forever?" by Queen, and I think that is great because my third favorite song is the remake by Breaking Benjamin! I absolutely adore that song, so it's perfect for today's song of the day!

Yesterday wasn't such a great day for me... I felt like a schmuck (excuse my unruly mouth, there isn't a better term for how I felt). It seemed that I couldn't do anything right, so today I'm not in the best of moods. I was thinking about how I could switch that around and I keep thinking that yesterday stunk... even blurted that it stunk like skunk! Truth is, I'm an extremely weird person, and I actually like the smell of diluted skunk spray... I'll admit it! I know there are a tremendous amount of people out there who are like me, but won't be caught dead admitting they like the stench! I drive down the highway and I smell the skunk on the side of the road, and while others plug their noses and roll up their windows, I take a good whiff before I join them (just to hide that I like it, lol). So it's perfect for today you see, because I'm taking something that's considered a bad thing, and turning it into something I can handle. I can handle skunk... I can handle skunk like no other! Love it! LOL.

The word of the day is "Agrestic." It's a adj meaning "characteristic of the fields or country". Very interesting! I've never heard this word, but it's something I can get used to! I can say that the Davis's and Baker grew up in agrestic surroundings! I love my farm boys!

As for the project of the day... gonna work on Reaper some more! Got my nose stuck in a book yesterday, so I didn't write really. Today I shall give it attention! And wouldn't you know it? The sun is shining outside! Yay! I think today is going to be great! Happy April, everyone!

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