Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Daily Dose of Randomness: AC/DC, Antithetic, BBQ and The Tattooed Bride

Good afternoon my lovelies! I have to tell you something... I am no longer a math major! I used to be really good at math; it was my best subject, but now I think I'm nearly in over my head! Last quarter I had a professor who did everything but really teach! I learned more from the book than I did from him, and I barely passed the class... now I'm in my second math class and it's entirely online. I really loathe it! I don't get their video demonstrations, and the system totally sucks! So I've fallen a bit behind, but guess what? I'm gonna rock them today! I totally decided I'm going to do everything I can to make up what I haven't completed yet, today! I've got my math book at the ready, my Internet all hooked up, and some quiet time where Nick is going over to a friends' house! Hooray! So today's song of the day is "For Those About to Rock!" by AC/DC! I know, totally apropos!

The only thing that sucks about this day is that it's back to raining... yesterday was wonderful! I walked around without a jacket all day! It was glorious, and the air was laced with the scent of people on the grill! I miss those good ol' BBQ days! Where have they gone? I so love the scent of a good BBQ; mean cooking over charcoal briquettes... mmmmm... seems the only way I'm gong to get it today is to walk by Famous Dave's! LOL, I know the BBQ's time will come back soon... keep your fingers crossed from some delicious summer weather to float our way!

Today's word of the day is "Antithetic" which is an adj. meaning "sharply contrasted in character or purpose." I read the definition and I could immediately think of one scene from The Heroes of Edenville where Falcon demonstrated that he could be antithetic. In the car with Wynnie the afternoon after their fight, Wynnie expected Falcon to push her buttons a little, or put his two cents in when she left herself a little vulnerable, but he didn't. THAT shocked Wynnie and Docker to no end! Normally Falcon would have taunted; would have teased, and yet he kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything!

I can't wait until The Heroes of Edenville comes out! Hurry up, November!

Today however, I'm going to continue to also work on The Tattooed Bride. I know I was fighting between which story I wanted to write: Reaper, Johnny Darkling, or The Keeper of Time. So I chose one! The Tattooed Bride! LOL. I wrote a couple pages of chapter one yesterday, and I'm very excited! Maybe I'll post a bit of it on Friday...

Peace, love and chicken grease!

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