Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Unusuals Playlist, Vol. 3

Here's some more weekly music to entertain you! I bring you volume three of forty-one of the Unusuals soundtrack! Hope this inspires you!

1. N.W.O. - Ministry
2. Paddy's Lament - Flogging Molly
3. Rag Doll - Aerosmith
4. T.N.T. - AC/DC
5. Vampires - Godsmack
6. Yellow - Coldplay
7. You Got to Fight for Your Right to Party - The Beastie Boys
8. B.B.K. - Korn
9. Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin
10. Face Pollution - Soundgarden
11. Half Jack - The Dresden Dolls
12. Jamies Got a Gun - Aerosmith
13. A Lack of Color - Death Cab for Cutie
14. Naked as We Came - Iron & Wine
15. Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car - Iron & Wine
16. The Rain Must Fall - Yanni
17. Take It All Away - Ryan Cabrera
18. Dance the Night Away - Van Halen
19. Shake it Like a Salt Shaker - Ying Yang Twins & Lil Jon

Daily Dose of Randomness: AC/DC, Antithetic, BBQ and The Tattooed Bride

Good afternoon my lovelies! I have to tell you something... I am no longer a math major! I used to be really good at math; it was my best subject, but now I think I'm nearly in over my head! Last quarter I had a professor who did everything but really teach! I learned more from the book than I did from him, and I barely passed the class... now I'm in my second math class and it's entirely online. I really loathe it! I don't get their video demonstrations, and the system totally sucks! So I've fallen a bit behind, but guess what? I'm gonna rock them today! I totally decided I'm going to do everything I can to make up what I haven't completed yet, today! I've got my math book at the ready, my Internet all hooked up, and some quiet time where Nick is going over to a friends' house! Hooray! So today's song of the day is "For Those About to Rock!" by AC/DC! I know, totally apropos!

The only thing that sucks about this day is that it's back to raining... yesterday was wonderful! I walked around without a jacket all day! It was glorious, and the air was laced with the scent of people on the grill! I miss those good ol' BBQ days! Where have they gone? I so love the scent of a good BBQ; mean cooking over charcoal briquettes... mmmmm... seems the only way I'm gong to get it today is to walk by Famous Dave's! LOL, I know the BBQ's time will come back soon... keep your fingers crossed from some delicious summer weather to float our way!

Today's word of the day is "Antithetic" which is an adj. meaning "sharply contrasted in character or purpose." I read the definition and I could immediately think of one scene from The Heroes of Edenville where Falcon demonstrated that he could be antithetic. In the car with Wynnie the afternoon after their fight, Wynnie expected Falcon to push her buttons a little, or put his two cents in when she left herself a little vulnerable, but he didn't. THAT shocked Wynnie and Docker to no end! Normally Falcon would have taunted; would have teased, and yet he kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything!

I can't wait until The Heroes of Edenville comes out! Hurry up, November!

Today however, I'm going to continue to also work on The Tattooed Bride. I know I was fighting between which story I wanted to write: Reaper, Johnny Darkling, or The Keeper of Time. So I chose one! The Tattooed Bride! LOL. I wrote a couple pages of chapter one yesterday, and I'm very excited! Maybe I'll post a bit of it on Friday...

Peace, love and chicken grease!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily Dose of Randomness: Frank Sinatra, Amorphous, Moraccan Mint and The Tattoed Bride

Today I'm in a pretty good mood! I slept well last night, and today I think I'm going to get some work done! I'm in a Frank Sinatra type mood - you could say "I've Got You Under My Skin"! I feel like blaring some old blue eyes, and cleaning up my library! It would be a really good thing to do considering I haven't been resident in my library for a few weeks! I'm going to need it so I can sip on my Moroccan Mint Tea and work on The Tattooed Bride!

For those of you who don't know, Moroccan Mint is my favorite type of Stash Tea, and I take it with three splendas! It's smell is also Divine, and I can't believe I haven't had a cup since last year!

As for the Tattooed Bride - have I told you about her? Her name is Eve.

Eve woke up one day and didn't know who she was. She didn't have any records, no ID, but she appeared to be a young teenage girl in the eyes of her foster parents. Eve alone could see that her ears were sharply pointed, and vibrant colorful shifting tattoos covered her body... only mirrors could reveal them, and only to her.

Eve gets adopted by an aristocratic family, who really only wanted a cheap nanny for their own two bratty children. Eve feels like a freak and is grateful to her new family, obeying their every whim despite the warnings from her best friend, and the fact that she's treated much like a slave. She's meek and ready to jump when her vicious mother says to, that is until the family funds start to dwindle down. Her parents are terrified of losing their social standing, and they fight to hide the disappearance of their wealth. In an effort to amend their damages, they agree to marry Eve off to a filthy rich newcomer in the neighborhood. Eve is stunned, considering she's never even met the man, and for the first time that she can remember, she thinks about rebelling. She knows she won't go through with running away, but her heart starts breaking as she realizes she's giving up her very freedom for the sake of her unappreciative aristocratic guardians!

On the day of her wedding, she sits in her dressing room alone, freaking out, and there's a light knock on the door. Her fiancee comes in to have a private word with her. He's young and handsome, though Eve has trouble even looking at him, lest her heart break even more. He tells her that he doesn't want to make her do anything she doesn't want to do, and he never actually thought she would agree to this. He says he would love to marry her, but not against her will. He offers her her freedom... and she declines. This guy is the first person beside her best friend who's ever been nice to her. How bad could it be for someone who didn't have any dreams of her own, to marry a man who would appreciate her? Maybe even love her?

With a new found courage, Eve goes towards the isle with her arrogant father on her arm, and just when she's about to get to the alter, a giant grotesque, winged creature erupts from the mirror at the head of the room and steals away her fiancee, disappearing once more behind reflective glass.

Amidst the panic, Eve's maid reveals the truth... Eve is from another realm; another dimension beyond the mirror. She can chose to go through the mirror since she alone has the power to travel between worlds - the only problem is that whenever someone travels through the mirror, their memories get erased... She can go back to where she came from to save her reluctant fiancee, but when she gets there she won't know who he is, let alone why she's there, or even her own name!

I'm so happy with this story! It becomes so much more! Eve's tattoos show up when she crosses over, and she finds she can use their magic to help her - a sword solidifying from her flesh, lightening zapping from her fingertips, and a fiercely protective wolf jumps from her calf to save her. She's labeled an assassin and hunted for the way she looks because of the tattoos, and she teams up with a thief named Lucky to search out her fiancee, ignoring the prophecy that states that she will bring an end to the reign of terror across the kingdoms! Yay! :)

What do you think?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I can't believe it, but I forgot to put in the word of the day!

Amorphous is an adj., meaning "having no definite form or distinct shape'" like the "ghosts" or "Red Vapor/Sun People" from my Unusuals trilogy! They are amorphous and red, like a gas, and they attack the parasites that reside in the bodies of the Unusuals, slowly killing them! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Daily Dose of Randomness: Breaking Benjamin, Agrestic, Skunk Stink and Reaper

I nearly finished reading "13 to Life" yesterday, and if it hadn't been so late I would have finished the last fifty pages... Today I shall change that! I am SO into the story! Pietr is awesome! His song is "How Wants to Live Forever?" by Queen, and I think that is great because my third favorite song is the remake by Breaking Benjamin! I absolutely adore that song, so it's perfect for today's song of the day!

Yesterday wasn't such a great day for me... I felt like a schmuck (excuse my unruly mouth, there isn't a better term for how I felt). It seemed that I couldn't do anything right, so today I'm not in the best of moods. I was thinking about how I could switch that around and I keep thinking that yesterday stunk... even blurted that it stunk like skunk! Truth is, I'm an extremely weird person, and I actually like the smell of diluted skunk spray... I'll admit it! I know there are a tremendous amount of people out there who are like me, but won't be caught dead admitting they like the stench! I drive down the highway and I smell the skunk on the side of the road, and while others plug their noses and roll up their windows, I take a good whiff before I join them (just to hide that I like it, lol). So it's perfect for today you see, because I'm taking something that's considered a bad thing, and turning it into something I can handle. I can handle skunk... I can handle skunk like no other! Love it! LOL.

The word of the day is "Agrestic." It's a adj meaning "characteristic of the fields or country". Very interesting! I've never heard this word, but it's something I can get used to! I can say that the Davis's and Baker grew up in agrestic surroundings! I love my farm boys!

As for the project of the day... gonna work on Reaper some more! Got my nose stuck in a book yesterday, so I didn't write really. Today I shall give it attention! And wouldn't you know it? The sun is shining outside! Yay! I think today is going to be great! Happy April, everyone!