Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Upcoming Sequel to the Unusuals Trilogy!

Greetings superhero fans!
I know it's been eons since I last posted...
Moving on!

Over the last several months things have been a bit chaotic, but have no fear! It wasn't anything I couldn't handle! In fact, I'm doing quite well now - at least that's what my imaginary doctors tell me... Anywho, the time is simply flying by, and I have been filling my time with project after project, including a journal made up of all my notes from my vault.
To recap on previous posts, my vault is what I call my file system containing all my notes, story ideas, writing projects, and WIP's. Currently I've been working to put them all together in a multi-edition hardcover books entitled "The Vault: SPOILER ALERT!" I'm very excited about it!

Other than my work with the vault, I have been focusing on my much-anticipated young adult paranormal romance, Johnny Darkling. However, Johnny's time is drawing to a close, and as I near the conclusion, my gaze begins to rest on the futurist dystopian sequel to the Unusuals trilogy, "The Unusuals and the Keeper of Time."
I've received several threats from people depicting what will happen if I don't hurry up and finish this forth Unusuals novel. To those people I grin widely, perhaps give them a brief view of me sticking out my tongue, and wiggle my fingers at them with my thumbs planted against my temples. You people have no idea how giddy you make me! I will taunt you as long as I can muster because your anxiousness fuels my heart! Still, I want to give you what you want, and of course what I want as well... I thought I'd need a break from the Unusuals, but as it turns out, I miss them more and more every day. The Unusuals and the Keeper of Time will be the springboard to my League of Hope series, which will also launch a spin off trilogy starring Brody Falcon (One of Falcon's long lost older brothers). After that, I have many MANY more ideas!

So, without further adieu, I'd like to present to you the basic concept behind my next book, The Unusuals and the Keeper of Time:

  It has been nearly thirty years since worldwide panic ensued at the realization Unusuals lived amongst the masses. The people weren’t ready for the cataclysmic change the Unusuals of Hope posed. In the chaos that followed, destruction and devastation became inevitable. When things looked most bleak, a small contingent of Hope was cryogenically frozen and hidden, preserving them until such a time where the world would be ready to start rebuilding.              
That time never came.         
Maggie Docker has never known peace. She was born into a world on the verge of war with itself. Her mother died of the Whalstrom plague, her father was murdered by Purgers when she was a kid, and her godparents vanished. She grew up a child of the cause—a soldier in the war for Unusual equality. Now she leads a small division of New Hope towards what will probably be their final battle.                  
Falcon and his friends are revived from their sleep mid-rescue, from the Purgers carrying out their death sentence. It’s hard to believe this dystopian world is the same one he left behind, and the harsh female captain from New Hope, is the daughter of his best friend. He doesn’t want to believe any of this is real—this horror was not supposed to happen.  Here, there are more enemies than allies. The worst of them being Tobin the Destroyer, son of none other than Scorpio’s malicious leader, Senator Aerodina Tobin.    
Maggie has little sympathy for her uncle Falcon, nor his troop. She saved their lives—her conscience is clear. She doesn’t care what they do now, as long as they don’t interfere with her mission.            
It is rumored a child was born from the Earth with the power to stop Tobin… this child controls time itself. Though many have claimed to see him, he never materialized in the same place twice, nor did he have the same appearance. It is hard to believe what is real and what is not, but Maggie thinks she’s figured it out. She remembers what her godmother told her—when the time is right, when the world is in most dire need, she must seek out the keeper of time.
Maggie doesn’t have a choice now. She must find this man if he exists, and stop Tobin before it’s too late. The world as they knew it was over, but the apocalypse is just on the horizon.
It hasn't been edited yet, and I'm sure I've made many grammatical errors - I never said grammar or spelling was my strong suit - but I'm sure you get the idea of what the story is about. I'd love to hear what you think, especially if you've read the first three Unusuals books! As always, feel free to message me, or send me an email at anwunderlinbooks@gmail.com.

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