Friday, June 8, 2012

Well hello there! Long time, no see! Did you miss me???
Yeah, me too...
I took a long break from my precious blog, and I guess you could say I'm back now... sort of. I want to rearrange my blog posts to make them more interesting... you know--spice things up a bit! I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to go about doing it, but I thought I should let you know that I am thinking about it!
I'm all right, too, in case you were wondering.
At the beginning of April, I found out one of my sisters died, and it hit me pretty hard. For a while I didn't blog because I couldn't focus on anything, and then I just didn't do it because I had no more motivation. It has been really tough, and I still burst into tears at random times, but I know that she wouldn't want me to just sit back and sulk; My sister would want me to live. It took me a while to get to that point in my thought patterns, but now I'm finally getting back on track.
I abandoned the notion that I should only write one story at a time; I'm currently writing three different novels, with a fourth playing in the back of my mind. Reaper is outlined fully and ready to go. I'm finishing up the first chapter of The Tattooed Bride, on the second chapter of Johnny Darkling, and toying with the outline of The Keeper of Time. It's all very exciting! Of course I'm still keeping The Dead Half, Kiss of the Phoenix, Night Owls, Falconswatch, and my other stories in my peripheral, so they don't get left behind, but the three previously mentioned novels are my current focus.
I've also been keeping myself busy, putting together my Unusuals tome, bookmarks, soundtracks, and jewelry... I'm making "Team Falcon" and "Team Davis" beaded bracelets, lol. I'll post pictures soon :)
The Heroes of Edenville is either being finished up by the proofreaders, or is already in the hands of my editor, I'm not sure which. The scheduled release date is still sometime in June, but I'm not sure of the exact day. I'll let you all know more as I find out.
Well, I'll be sure to post more later; I simply wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive, and thinking of you! Much love, my friends!